Why a North Carolina Debt Law Firm

If you are considering eliminating your credit card debt and you are a North Carolina Citizen, you have a few options.  The first option is to negotiate the debt on your own.  The second option is to hire a North Carolina Debt Law firm (either to settle your debt or filing bankruptcy).  The third option is to work with a North Carolina accredited counseling agency. There are pros and cons to each.
Option 1

Go it alone.

Not ready to negotiate your credit card debt on your own?
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Certainly, if you have the negotiation skills and knowledge of the credit card companies, collection agencies and collection law firms, this option could work. Just be careful of what you say and to who you say it.  Everything you say will be recorded.

Remember, these companies and law firms collect money from Americans all day, every day.  They are trained in techniques to get you to hand over your money.  No matter how you feel about them, they are very good at what they do. Proceed with caution.

Option 2

Hire a non-lawyer, out of state company.

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There are many out of North Carolina “National” debt settlement companies.  These are non-lawyers and are not supposed to be operating in our state.  As non-lawyers they are not regulated by the State Bar.  If they act in an unethical manner, you cannot complain to the state bar. Your only option will be filing a lawsuit, probably in the state in which they are incorporated.

Try not to be impressed by the “ease of engagement” advertisement.  These companies will advertise and will try and sell you on the idea that everything can be done by internet. However, please remember that once something goes wrong, good luck getting the matter resolved.

Also, be aware that if the creditor is being represented by a law firm, most North Carolina Collection law firms will only work with North Carolina Debt Law Firms.  There are 2 reasons for this:

First, North Carolina does not allow these non-lawyer firms to operate in the state. Second, they have had years of bad experiences negotiating with these firms. Working with these out-of-state companies usually creates more issues than it is worth. You may be stuck in 'negotiation limbo' for a long time.

Option 3

Declare Bankruptcy.

Sometimes this might be your best option.
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We will carefully review your financial situation and discuss with you the option of filing for bankruptcy.  If we decide, together, that this is your best option, we will refer you to a North Carolina Bankruptcy lawyer in your area.

We do not charge for this service and we receive no fee.  Please understand that this is a last case scenario.  We do not want to go down this path unless there are no other options.

D'Amelio Law

North Carolina Debt Law Firm

Discuss your credit debt resolution options with a North Carolina Attorney.
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At D’Amelio Law Firm, PLLC, we approach each client as an individual, not as a number.  Resolving your debt issues will require teamwork, it will require stamina and it will require courage.  The commitment of our firm is that you will not go it alone.  We address the issues as one and we will arrive at the finish line together.  We believe that it is not whether one gets knocked down that matters, we all get knocked down, but whether one gets back up.  If you work with our firm, we will get back up together.

So please feel free to reach out to us with your credit card debt issues.  We are understanding and compassionate and will offer you a free, no obligation consultation.  We will be honest with you about your situation and options.  Sometimes, our firm is not your best option or maybe we are just not a good match.  But however it turns out, you will have least taken the first step to your financial freedom, whether it is with our firm or with some other option.

Specifically, why use a North Carolina Debt Law Firm (ours or any other):

1.  Only North Carolina Law firms or attorneys can legally negotiate your credit card debt in this state.  Other out of state firms cannot.

2.  As your attorney, we can prevent those harassing phone calls.  They must deal with our firm directly.

3.  As a law firm, we are held to the highest ethical standards.  While of course we cannot guarantee any outcomes, we work diligently, with your help, to resolve your credit card debt issues as quickly as possible.

4.  If there is an issue with your file, you can reach us by phone or by appointment or by electronic means.  We are a N.C firm.

5. If a lawsuit is filed against you by the credit card company or their representatives, we can represent you in court.

6.  Sometimes bankruptcy may be your best option.  We can advise you of such.  We are not bankruptcy attorneys so we will offer you referral options in your city/county.  We will work with your bankruptcy attorney to make sure they have all the information we have so there is no duplicative effort on your part.

Helpful links: Want to learn more about credit card debt resolution? Here are some links that we thought might be worth your read.

North Carolina Attorney General

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

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